Thursday, November 02, 2006

Raging Grannies - a story not yet told!

What's a Raging Granny, you say?

The Rochester Group describes itself "Promoting peace, justice and social and economic equality through song and humor."

Go to for more information, including how the first group of "grannies" began in British Columbia ten years ago. Rochester's group began in 2002 because of county funding cuts to libraries, parks and social services. Since then, they've grown in size and rage..... singing out on a wide variety of social and political issues.

"Membership in Rochester's Raging Grannies is open to any woman, 45 years of age and older, upon an annual contribution of $1- 25 (or barter). You don't have to be a grandmother, and you don't even have to sing well. We operate with a sense of outrage, a sense of humor, and a commitment to nonviolence. Decisions on our policies and actions are made by group consensus."

Rage Coordinator Granny at
Info Granny at


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