Monday, October 30, 2006

Now WEEKLY antiwar prayer vigil

noon to 1pm every Sunday
corner of East Avenue and Goodman St.
rain or shine or snow or.....

"As the killing in Iraq increases, so does the opposition to this immoral war and occupation. And, so, too, will our vigils." - PA&E
Peace Action & Education (PA&E) is a Task Force of Metro Justice
Call 585-442-3383 for further information.

loret's note - This is a difficult, yet recurring event to photograph. Many things we photograph are a real challenge, so this is also an opportunity to work with a situation and discover what the pictures are that can be seen and made there.
I'll award a prize to the best image made of this peace group before December 15th,
when you can submit your photographs. The prize? A copy of Anthony Suau's book, "Fear This." of course!


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