Thursday, November 02, 2006

Decade to Overcome Violence - WCC comes to Rochester

Overcoming Violence: Creating a Culture of Peace
Nov. 13-15

Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, 1100 S. Goodman St., Baber AME Church, 550 Meigs Street and
Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, 141 Adams St.

Want to document stories of importance to a community? Want to show real community leaders and residents working to understand a serious social issue in order to develop real plans of action and initiatives that are community based?

Photograph these events, meet the people who have been involved and the people who come to seek answers. Some of Rochester's most important figures in the issues are listed in the events below.... find out who they are! Listen, learn, develop further ideas for how you might engage in some meaningful documentation... these events are only a good beginning.

Rochester’s Christian community will welcome an outstanding leader of the World Council of Churches at a series of events over two days, November 13 and 14. The Rev. Hansulrich Gerber, Coordinator of the WCC’s “Decade to Overcome Violence,” will describe and interpret the current ministries of the WCC, preach in a worship celebration, and lead a seminar and workshop focused on understanding violence and how faith communities can respond.

The Rev. Gerber is a Mennonite pastor from Geneva, Switzerland. Formerly he was a farmer and teacher. Before assuming his current position, he directed the International Mennonite Peace Committee and the European relief work of the Mennonite Central Committee. His assignment with the WCC is to coordinate its decade-long program responding to the growing threat of violence within families and communities, and among nations. His ministry entails networking churches and movements worldwide.

The WCC Visitation is sponsored by GRCC, Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, and the Rochester Friends of the WCC. The public is invited to all activities. Details follow:

Monday, Nov. 13, 12 Noon Lunch, Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
“Transformed by Grace: Ninth Assembly Priorities for the World Council of Churches”
Co-presenters: The Rev. Hansuli Gerber and Ms. Caroline Hennessey, Fund Developer, Officer for WCC/USA. A multimedia journey to the February, 2006 WCC Assembly in Porto Alegre, Brazil , and, an update on emerging WCC program priorities. A buffet luncheon will be served at a cost of $12.00. For luncheon reservations, please use the tear-off Registration Form in this newsletter, or call (585)254-2570 by November 8.

Monday, Nov. 13, 7:00 PM, Baber AME Church, 550 Meigs Street
An Ecumenical Worship Celebration
Rochester area Christians are invited to “taste” something of the wonderful Spirit that filled the WCC’s Ninth Assembly in Brazil. The liturgy will include prayers, litanies, and readings from the Assembly. Special music will reflect the Church in its great diversity. The sermon, entitled “Unity in Spirit in the Bond of Peace: The Changing face of the
Global Church” will be brought by Pastor Gerber.

Tuesday, Nov. 14, 8:30 - 11:45 AM, CRCDS, 1100 South Goodman Street

“Seeking Spiritual Dimensions Underlying the Crisis in Violence”
A seminar probing for root causes and deeper understanding. Rev. Gerber will share insights from the “Decade to Overcome Violence” and a panel of diverse, local faith community leaders will respond. Panelists will include: Muhammad Shafiq (Muslim), V.V. Raman (Hindu), Frank Howard (Buddhist), Gail Ferraioli (Judaism), and Peter Peters (Christian).

Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1:45 - 4:00 PM, Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
”What Can We Do in Rochester to respond to Violence in Its Many Faces?”
A workshop, led by Rev. Gerber, sharing information about how communities respond to violence in Rochester and around the world. Participants: Audrey Smith, Victor Saunders, John Klofas, Marian Walker, Bill Coffey, Kathy Muzana, Bridget Hurley, Jeff Rideout, Ed Lemon, Elaine Johnson, Isobel Goldman and others. Public is invited.

Wednesday, Nov. 15, 10 AM-Noon, Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, 141 Adams St.
“Raise Up the Foundations of Many Generations: Churches Respond to Violence”
Christian leaders will gather to Listen, Learn, and Launch new initiatives. The Rev. Karyn Carter, formerly Executive Director of Families and Friends of Murdered Children & Victims of Violence, Inc., will share her experience of losing a sister to violence. A panel of church leaders will respond, and a series of forums will be launched to rediscover the spiritual/moral foundations of community. Panelists will include: Reverend Dr. John Walker, Ms. Donna Ecker, Reverend Alan Newton, Judge Roy King, Minister Franklin Florence and Father Larry Tracy. (Free to all – no RSVP necessary) Sponsored by Faith Community Alliance and GRCC.

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