Friday, April 13, 2007

Global Warming Rally

Saturday, April 14th

the Gazebo at Twelve Corners

(intersection of Monroe, Elmwood and Winton in Brighton)

2:00-Ongoing Petition signing and information available
2:20 Opening Address
2:30 Raging Grannies
2:45 Radical Cheerleaders
3:00 Sandra Frankel, Brighton Town Supervisor
3:05 Joe Robach, New York State Senator
3:10 Radical Cheerleaders
3:30 Fiddlers & Irish Dancers

Rally to urge Congress to cut carbon dioxide emissions 80% below 1990 levels by 2050. The Step it Up 2007 campaign includes over 1300 other events in all fifty states, and is the largest day of citizen action focusing on global warming in our nation’s history. Step It Up was conceived by Bill McKibben, a Vermont professor and author, but it has taken on a life of its own as concerned citizens have clamored to get involved. The growth of our rally demonstrates the growing momentum of the global warming movement.

The Twelve Corners event calls for particularly strong legislation, specifically a cut in carbon dioxide emissions to 80% below 1990 levels. This is the minimum reduction that scientists say will provide a chance of avoiding the worst possible effects of global warming-- droughts, rising sea levels, and severe storms-- which will have the most devastating effects on the world’s poorest. Legislation proposing such cuts is pending in Congress among several other weaker bills. The stronger bills being supported by Step It Up are the Sanders-Boxer Global Warming Pollution Reduction Act, S. 309, and the Waxman Safe Climate Act, H.R. 1590. In addition, the Markey-Platts CAFE bill, which would mandate higher gas mileage standards for the automotive industry is also a crucial part of any plan to address global warming.

There will also be a polar bear and many signs and banners. Come out, have fun and learn about global warming solutions!

Keri A. Kaminsky, Organizer
(585) 865-0869


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