Tuesday, September 19, 2006

International Peace Day

Thursday, Sept. 21
An interfaith Declaration of Peace Rally and Ceremony

5:30 pm - Federal Building, State Street (north of Main)

The Rochester community is invited to join cities throughout the country in commemorating the International Day of Peace by declaring peace instead of war. Speakers of diverse faiths, Congressional responses, pledges of resistance to war, and shared ceremonial signing of Declaration of Peace.

About International Peace Day:
When the United Nations was created in l945 after the most devastating war in human history, peace was a common desire for people throughout the world. Two of its main goals were to help nations develop friendly relations and live together peacefully. To commemorate and strengthen the ideals of peace both within and among nations of the world, the UN General Assembly in l981 proclaimed the opening day of its regular session as International Peace Day. In addition, through resolution 55/282, all UN member countries agreed that September 21st shall be a International Day of Peace, a day where all nations, governments, organizations, communities, and individuals refrain from violence and live peacefully.

The essence of International Peace Day lies in people around the world gathering together to affirm their commitment to living peacefully and working for its realization www.internationaldayofpeace.org

About the 2006 Declaration of Peace:
Join with the majority of people in the US, the people of Iraq, and people around the world in calling for a comprehensive end to the US war in Iraq.

1. The International Declaration of Peace calls on President Bush and the administration to withdraw from Iraq.
2. Asks Congressional representatives to adopt a "bring the troops home now" position, and to establish a concrete, comprehensive withdrawal plan no later than September 21, 2006 .
3. Participate in marches, rallies, demonstrations, and other peaceful strategies to establish this plan.
4. Engage in nonviolent civil disobedience, as conscience leads them, if this plan for a comprehensive withdrawal is not established and activated no later than September 21, 2006.

Louise Wu


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