Monday, September 18, 2006

Big Band Dance Series at Charlotte Beach

Wednesdays 6-9pm
the Roger Robach Community Center at Ontario Beach Park (2nd floor) (Click on the map to see it larger)

The Al Bruno Trio with Tom Monte plays weekly from 6 - 7:15pm. The featured band of the week plays from 7:15-9pm

Featured Bands:
9/20 Jack Allen
9/27 Tedo D'Aurizio
10/4 Nostalgic Reunion
10/11 Golden Sounds
10/18 Music Makers
10/25 Johnny Matt

for information - 865-3320

Michael and I were walking on the boardwalk in late May and heard some live music, so we went to see where it was coming from. There was a lively crowd inside the rebuild beach house and it was such a sight to see! Individuals and couples of all ages, decked out in summer gear and great smiles, were dancing, flirting, watching and generally enjoying the music and watching others on the dance floor. Some pretty amazing dancers well above sixty glided and made smooth moves; you could suddenly "see" them as twenty or thirty-somethings and how they must have danced when the music was so popular.

This could, again, be a single event to photograph or it could lead to an imaginitive and colorful story. I'm sorry I couldn't find the flyer with information that I'd tucked away to tell you the dates until now (you've missed the first two dance nights). But there's still plenty of dancing to be done and photographs to be made and interesting people from around the community to meet!

Directions -
  • North on State St. from Main, downtown.
  • State Street changes to Lake Avenue as you drive. Keep going north.
  • When you get to a "V" or fork in the road (a fire station at the "V" itself and a Salvatore's pizza shop on a corner nearby), hang to the left of the "V" and you'll still be on Lake Ave.
  • Keep driving north until you see the end of Lake Avenue. Parking lots are available to your right and to your left
  • walk north at the park (you'll see a sidewalk that runs between one of the picnic pavilions and some service buildings) and go past the flag poles and war memorial there
  • when you reach the boardwalk that runs parallel to the water, make a left
  • the Community Center will be really obvious (listen for the music!)


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