Tuesday, April 25, 2006

latest update for April 29 - NYC

March for Peace, Justice and Democracy
Saturday, April 29 -- New York City
Assembly beginning at 10:30AM -- 22nd Street & Broadway
March steps off at noon
The early weather forecast looks great (low to mid 60s, mostly sunny). Reminder: The NYPD only allows signs and banners to be carried on cardboard poles; wooden, metal, and fiberglas poles are prohibited.

Pre-March Labor Rally: 10:30 am
19th Street between Park Ave. South and Broadway
A very large turn out is expected from the labor movement, and as people gather for this contingent, there will be a rally with representatives of the many unions involved in this effort. As part of the Festival at the end of the march, there will be a Labor tent that will help peoplle get more involved in connecting the labor and antiwar movements.

Pre-March Interfaith Religious Service: 9:40 am
19th Street, between Broadway and Fifth Ave.
People from many faiths and religious traditions will gather for a shabbat service before the march begins. Clergy and Laity Concerned about Iraq is also organizing an afternoon of activities at their tent at the Festival after the march.

Grassroots Action Festival: 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Foley Square

The festival will feature 19 themed tents, providing resources from hundreds of groups and campaigns. You'll find information about a wide variety of ways to take action against the war -- from pressuring legislators to resisting military recruitment efforts to engaging in nonviolent civil disobedience. You'll find displays and materials that will highlight the connections between the war and the struggles for women's rights, for racial justice, for immigrant rights, and for a sustainable environment. There will also be a special tent with peace activities for children, and much more.


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