Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Voter Mobilization effort in Rochester

Push Back Saturdays in October (14th, 21st, 28th) 9:30am- 2pm
Call Metro Justice at 325-2560 to sign up

These three saturdays could be seen as events to cover but also could be seen as a small (or, if followed through election, as a larger) story of a grass-roots group attempting to get out the vote.

If you'd like to know more about Metro Justice, go to:

If you'd like to interview Jon Greenbaum or ask him for info/access, let him know you're my student....

from Jon Greenbaum:
"Most Americans don't vote- yet most Americans actually do support our progressive values.

"Unfortunately, that means that we get stuck with politicians that don't represent us. Politicians who vote for privatizing Social Security, keeping our troops in Iraq and handing over the Medicare prescription drug program to big pharma and the insurance industry. Politicians who vote to undermine Americans' right to be represented by a union. Politicians who vote for ending the estate tax and habeas corpus.

"Push Back is identifying those voters who don't usually vote but are committed to our progressive values of valuing the worth and dignity of all our community members, an economy that works for ALL of us and government that is run on behalf of everybody, not just the privileged few. We are talking to those voters who reject Bush's war in Iraq and the corruption on K Street.

"And then we will call, call and then call again to turn these folks out to vote.

"Because in tight races, small numbers of voters make a difference.

"Please join us on one or more of the following Saturdays. We gather at the Metro Justice office at 9:30 for an orientation, coffee and role plays and then head out with maps and lists.

"We're done by 2pm"


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